xamarin - How to solve this error? - 'Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for axml file -

am new xamarin , building simple app using tutorial youtube. in middle of video when got error tho followed instructions. , instructor in video able run app

click image reference

i created account here 'cause i've been visiting stack overflow years , lot of developers helped me questions , answers, tho developed interest in programming.i posted question 'cause have no idea , desperately seek masters here, got little disappointed.

instead of helping me out, of people here voted down question if it's stupid question, well, maybe is, i'm sorry i'm beginner. atleast, instead of voting down , discouraging beginners ask questions, maybe can point out mistake, first time asking question. it's okay tell me did wrong still anyway no, pointed out mistake , left. gladly, still helped me out. voting down can badly affect beginners. programmers smart, not kind :/

anyway, experiences same issue, deleted newly created axml file, rebuild, add again, , time, clean , rebuild.

everytime added new axml file, clean , rebuild. that's all, thank :).


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