javascript - Jquery ajax validate or not? -

i'm using code execute action in controller parameters. , working in validation of inputs.

$('.txt-dtr').on('blur', function () {     // record type know column of table should value saved.     var record = $(this).attr('id');      // record value      var value = $(this).val();      // record date     var row = $(this).closest('tr');     var date = row.attr('id');      // employee id     var empid = $('#semployee').val();      // ajax script saving record     $.ajax({         type: 'post',         url: '/dtr/savedtr',         data: {             record: record,             value: value,             date: date,             empid: empid         }     }); }); 

this code works, onblur , did'nt type in txt-dtr value parameter null , ajax not execute (which want).

the question is, need write validation like

if(value != null){     //execute ajax } 

or leave because without validating ajax not execute?


my controller not accepting null values ajax not executed if has null parameter value.

public actionresult savedtr(string record, int value, datetime date, int empid) { 

yes needs ajax wont validate. send null value


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