how to use associations in view font-end use angularjs and rails 4 -

i using rails 4 write in back-end , angular js write front end. have trouble use associations.

i have 2 models:

class record < activerecord::base     has_and_belongs_to_many :tags end class tag < activerecord::base     has_and_belongs_to_many :records end 

i using model records_tags connect 2 models record , tag.

in controller, write:

def index    records = record.all.order('created_at desc')    render json: {error:0, data: records} end 

in view

<ul>     <li ng-repeat ="data in datas"> {{}}</li> </ul> 

although, use relationship in controller success, variable datas send view don't use relationship them.

anyone can me?

thats normal, when in controller data collection on activemodel objects, relations live within it. when export json sending json object. include tags records have include tags in json object.

def index   records = record.all.order('created_at desc')   render json: {error:0, data: records.as_json(include: :tags))} end 


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