I am writing a madlib in php, saving it to a db using mysql, then trying to pull out each new story in descending order -

i not sure how story out of db, getting error:

warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 mysqli_result, string given in /home/ubuntu/workspace/projects/project_1/madlib.php on line 33 call stack: 0.0009 248160 1. {main}() /home/ubuntu/workspace/projects/project_1/madlib.php:0 0.0058 257240 2. mysqli_fetch_array() /home/ubuntu/workspace/projects/project_1/madlib.php:33

<?php //connecting db $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'project1')         or die('error connecting mysql server.');  //creating variables        $noun = $_post['noun'];  $verb = $_post['verb']; $adjective = $_post['adjective']; $body_part = $_post['bodypart']; $food_item = $_post['fooditem']; $full_story = "here things @ recess."                "start game of touch $body_part-ball."                "put $noun in someones lunch."                "start $food_item fight in school $adjective room."                "choose sides , have $verb ball tournament.";  //inserting form info db $query = "insert my_game (noun, verb, adjective, body_part, food_item) " .   "values ('$noun', '$verb', '$adjective', '$body_part', '$food_item')";   //get query result db   $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query)         or die('error querying database.');  if(empty($noun) || empty($verb) || empty($adjective) || empty($body_part) || empty($food_item)) {   echo "you have not filled in of fields.please go , try again."; }  $query2 = "select * my_game id order desc";    //while loop grabs name array        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query2)) {     $noun = $row['noun'];     $verb = $row['verb'];     $adjective = $row['adjective'];     $body_part = $row['body_part'];     $food_item = $row['food_item'];         $full_story = "here things @ recess."                    "start game of touch $body_part-ball."                    "put $noun in someones lunch."                    "start $food_item fight in school $adjective room."                    "choose sides , have $verb ball tournament.";      //outputs story            echo $full_story;  }  //close connection  mysqli_close($dbc);  ?> 

you not executing query before trying fetch. query string in $query2.

you need execute query calling mysqli->query

since did above looks missed on second query accident. ( i've done before).

after line

$query2 = "select * my_game id order desc"; 

you can like

 //get query result db   $result2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2)         or die('error querying database.'); 

and change accordingly

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result2)) { 


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