Restructure CSV data with Notepad++, Regex -

i have csv file following headers , (sample) data:

stopname,routename,travel_direction,latitude,longitude streeta @ streetb,1 namea,directiona,lat,long streetc @ streetd,1 namea,directiona,lat,long ... streete @ streetf,1 namea,directionb,lat,long streetg @ streeth,1 namea,directionb,lat,long ... streeti @ streetj,2 nameb,directionc,lat,long streetk @ streetl,2 nameb,directionc,lat,long ... streetm @ streetn,2 nameb,directiond,lat,long streeto @ streetp,2 nameb,directiond,lat,long . . . 

i wanting use regex (currently in notepad++) following results:

1 namea - directiona=[[streeta @ streetb,[lat,long]], [streetc @ streetd,[lat,long]], ...] 1 namea - directionb=[[streetd @ streete,[lat,long]], [streetf @ streetg,[lat,long]], ...] 2 nameb - directionc=[[streeth @ streeti,[lat,long]], [streetj @ streetk,[lat,long]], ...] 2 nameb - directiond=[[streetl @ streetm,[lat,long]], [streetn @ streeto,[lat,long]], ...] . . . 

with regex , substitution,

rgx: ^([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*) sub: $2 - $3=[$1,[\4]]  demo: 

i have gotten far:

1 namea - directiona=[streeta @ streetb,[lat,long]] 1 namea - directiona=[streetc @ streetd,[lat,long]] 1 namea - directionb=[streete @ streetf,[lat,long]] 1 namea - directionb=[streetg @ streeth,[lat,long]] 2 nameb - directionc=[streeti @ streetj,[lat,long]] 2 nameb - directionc=[streetk @ streetl,[lat,long]] 2 nameb - directiond=[streetm @ streetn,[lat,long]] 2 nameb - directiond=[streeto @ streetp,[lat,long]] 

in new regex, tried splitting above result on "=", didn't know go there.

i think 1 way desired results keep first unique instance of what's before "=", replace new line "," , enclose [..] make array form.

edit: there 10k stops (total), 100 unique routes.

edit 2: (maybe asking many changes now)

for first regex:

  • what if want use "\n" instead of "="?

at beginning of 2nd regex replacement,

  • what if have routename , stopname columns, this: 1 namea - directiona=[streeta @ streetb, ...]?
  • similarly, if have routename , coordinates, this: 1 namea - directiona=[[lat,long]]?


1. first replacement:

  • find what: ^([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)
  • replace with: \2 - \3=[[\1,[\4]]]
  • replace all

2. second replacement:

  • find what: ^[\s\s]*?^([^][]*=)\[\[.*\]\]\k\]\r\1\[(.*)\]$
  • replace with: , \2]
  • replace all

3. repeat step 2 until there no more occurences.

  • this means if there 100 instances (stops) same key (route - direction pair), have click replace all 7 times (ceiling(log2(n))).


i modified regex in step 1 add pair of brackets enclose whole set.

for step 2, finds pair of lines same direction, appending last previous one.

^[\s\s]*?^([^][]*=)     #group 1: captures "1 namea - dira=" \[\[.*\]\]              #matches set of stops - "[[sta @ stb,[lat,long]], ..." \k                      #keeps text matched far out of match \]\r                    #closing "]" , newline \1                      #match next line (if same route) \[(.*)\]$               #and capture stop (group 2) 

regex101 demo step 1
regex101 demo step 2


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