c# - Load Remote Authenticated Image in WinRT/UWP -

i trying load remote image in xaml requires authentication header download.

currently i'm using own caching service download image using httpclient , store file disk. on subsequent loads, bind image absolute file path of cached file so:

              <image width="50"                    height="50"                    stretch="uniformtofill"                    horizontalalignment="center"                    verticalalignment="center"                    source="{binding cachedimagepath}"/> 

this works i'm not pleased time takes load image file. seems slower if use xaml caching.

so questions are:

1) there way pass authentication header when bind image remote uri?

2) if not, can recommend quicker way load image disk how have it?

this possible implementing iwerequestcreate. may need change app.config file adding class details implemented interface.

hence whenever webrequest getting created go through custom implementation , there can pass authentication headers httpwerequest contains property header.

for more details check out post.


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