c++ - Manipulating sfml Vertex Array -

i doing research on sfml vertex array functions.based on tutorial i've been introduced basic implementation , wanting add it. unfortunately relatively new @ oop , appreciate adding this. output generates checkerboard pattern using sprite grid.

my goal connect grid-floor tiles using pathfinding algorithm(recursive bactracker) generate path.

the rest of part instantiated in main.cpp:

//load texture our background vertex array texture texturebackground; texturebackground.loadfromfile("graphics/background_sheet.png"); 

once in game loop as:

                //pass vertex array reference createbackground function             int tilesize = createbackground(background, arena); 

and in draw scene:

        window.draw(background, &texturebackground);  #include "stdafx.h" #include <sfml/graphics.hpp> #include "zarena.h"  int createbackground(vertexarray& rva, intrect arena) {     // rva doing background (in main function)      // how big each tile/texture     const int tile_size = 50;     const int tile_types = 3;     const int verts_in_quad = 4;      int worldwidth = arena.width / tile_size;     int worldheight = arena.height / tile_size;      // type of primitive using?     rva.setprimitivetype(quads);      // set size of vertex array     rva.resize(worldwidth * worldheight * verts_in_quad);      // start @ beginning of vertex array     int currentvertex = 0;      (int w = 0; w < worldwidth; w++)     {         (int h = 0; h < worldheight; h++)         {             // position each vertex in current quad             rva[currentvertex + 0].position = vector2f(w * tile_size, h * tile_size);             rva[currentvertex + 1].position = vector2f((w * tile_size) + tile_size, h * tile_size);             rva[currentvertex + 2].position = vector2f((w * tile_size) + tile_size, (h * tile_size) + tile_size);             rva[currentvertex + 3].position = vector2f((w * tile_size), (h * tile_size) + tile_size);              // define position in texture draw current quad             // either mud, stone, grass or wall             //if (h == 0 || h == worldheight - 1 || w == 0 || w == worldwidth - 1)             if ((h % 2 !=0)&& (w % 2 != 0))             {                 // use wall texture                 rva[currentvertex + 0].texcoords = vector2f(0, 0 + tile_types * tile_size);                 rva[currentvertex + 1].texcoords = vector2f(tile_size, 0 + tile_types * tile_size);                 rva[currentvertex + 2].texcoords = vector2f(tile_size, tile_size + tile_types * tile_size);                 rva[currentvertex + 3].texcoords = vector2f(0, tile_size + tile_types * tile_size);             }             else             {                  // use random floor texture                 srand((int)time(0) + h * w - h);                 int morg = (rand() % tile_types);                 int verticaloffset = morg * tile_size;                 //int verticaloffset = 0;                  rva[currentvertex + 0].texcoords = vector2f(0, 0 + verticaloffset);                 rva[currentvertex + 1].texcoords = vector2f(tile_size, 0 + verticaloffset);                 rva[currentvertex + 2].texcoords = vector2f(tile_size, tile_size + verticaloffset);                 rva[currentvertex + 3].texcoords = vector2f(0, tile_size + verticaloffset);              }              // position ready next vertices             currentvertex = currentvertex + verts_in_quad;         }     }      return tile_size; } 


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