c++ - OpenCV aruco, Z-axis doesn't draw properly -

i have problem function drawaxis in aruco module. z axis flip , general aren't @ 90 degrees (x , y works fine).

the problem illustrated screen: flip axis

i tried changed camera, detect markers , many recalibration (i tried different configuration of photos, between 15 , 100)

when printed vector of rotation (rvec) noticed angle 0 , 1 (x, y?) had small fluctuation, angle 2 (z?) in general constant: rvec print

where problem? if x , y axis work fine, code should correct? it's normal rvec_2 constant? or maybe t's fault calibration?

please clues! regards!

i found solution: mistake using standard calibration chessboard pattern: bad calibration board

i know in many tutorials calibration works fine, in case - no

my soultion charuco board (source code charuco generator): https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/blob/master/modules/aruco/samples/calibrate_camera_charuco.cpp

when calibrate camera using board work fine

hope can usefull someone, greetings


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