mysql - PHP OOP while loop -

i had problem looping data mysql using oop style.

so, here code:

class mysql {  private $host; private $username; private $password; private $database; public $con;      public function connect($sethost, $setusername, $setpassword, $setdatabase) {          $this->host = $sethost;         $this->username = $setusername;         $this->password = $setpassword;         $this->database = $setdatabase;          $this->con = mysqli_connect($sethost, $setusername, $setpassword, $setdatabase);                 }      public function query($setquery) {          $query = mysqli_query($this->con, $setquery);          return $query;           }      public function fetch($setfetch) {          $fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->query($setfetch));          return $fetch;       } }   $objmysql = new mysql(); $con = $objmysql->connect("localhost" , "root" , "root" , "test");  while ($dataslideshow = $objmysql->fetch("select * slideshow)) { <h1><?php echo $dataslideshow['images']; ?></h1> } 

the problem was, when refreshing page, excutes without limited in page, dont know why, but, in mysql table, contains 3 slideshow? so, computer got hang, , force close browsers. what's wrong code here?

by function definition , code be

$rs=$objmysql->query("select * slideshow"); while ($dataslideshow = $objmysql->fetch($rs)) { <h1><?php echo $dataslideshow['images']; ?></h1> } 

and replace function definition

 public function fetch($rs) {          $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);          return $row;       } 


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