javascript - Infragistics dropdown in row with value selected -

i have datasource contains status column. have array, part_status, contains possible statuses.

is possible display dropdown menu in column part_status statuses , have correct option selected?

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script src=""></script>      <script type="text/javascript">         var data = [                 {"productid":1,"ecname":"ec4532","priority":"1","ecid":"21026120061","status":"out refurb"},                 {"productid":2,"ecname":"ec4522","priority":"1","ecid":"21026120034","status":"out cleaning"},                 {"productid":3,"ecname":"ec4524","priority":"1","ecid":"21026120022","status":"out repair"},                 {"productid":4,"ecname":"ec4232","priority":"1","ecid":"21026120061","status":"removed"},                 {"productid":5,"ecname":"ec4222","priority":"2","ecid":"21026120034","status":"need refurb"},                 {"productid":6,"ecname":"ec2224","priority":"2","ecid":"21026120342","status":"need refurb"},                 {"productid":7,"ecname":"ec5532","priority":"2","ecid":"21026177061","status":"need refurb"}         ];          $.ig.loader({             scriptpath: "",             csspath: "",             resources: "iggrid.paging.updating"         });          var part_status = [             "out cleaning",              "out repair",              "out refurb",              "need cleaning",              "need repair",              "need refurb",              "removed",              "cleaned",              "repaired",              "refurbished"         ];          $.ig.loader(function () {                         $("#grid1").iggrid({                 height: 500,                 width: 1700,                 columns: [                     { headertext: "product id", key: "productid", datatype: "number" },                     { headertext: "ec name", key: "ecname", datatype: "string" },                                  { headertext: "priority", key: "priority", datatype: "string" },                     { headertext: "ecid", key: "ecid", datatype: "number" },                     { key: "status", headertext: "status", datatype: "string", width: "200px" }                 ],                 primarykey: "productid",                 autogeneratecolumns: false,                 autocommit: true,                 datasource: data             });          }); </script> </head> <body>     <table id="grid1"></table> </body> </html> 

possible solution #1

you can use updating feature , specify in columnsettings status column used combo editor. part_status act data source combo editor in status cell.

for example can add:

$.ig.loader({         //...         resources: "iggrid.paging.updating,igcombo" }); //... $("#grid1").iggrid({     //...     features: [         {             name: "updating",             editmode: "cell",             columnsettings: [                 {                     columnkey: "status",                     editortype: "combo",                     editoroptions: {                         datasource: part_status                     }                 }             ]         }     ] }); 

possible solution #2

another way things combos visible without updating creating template status column , create new combo on each row in column.

since updating wouldn't present mean needed save data manually. coloring can achieved , have included how implemented. used on each combo.

     //...      var part_status = [         {"name": "out cleaning", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"},          {"name": "out repair", "textcolor": "white", "backgroundcolor": "red"},          {"name": "out refurb", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"},          {"name": "need cleaning", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"},          {"name": "need repair", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"},          {"name": "need refurb", "textcolor": "white", "backgroundcolor": "blue"},          {"name": "removed", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"},          {"name": "cleaned", "textcolor": "white", "backgroundcolor": "green"},          {"name": "repaired", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "yellow"},          {"name": "refurbished", "textcolor": "black", "backgroundcolor": "white"}     ];      $.ig.loader(function () {          $("#grid1").iggrid({             //...             columns: [                 //...                 { headertext: "status", key: "status",  datatype: "string", width: "200px", template: "<input class='combo' value='${status}'/>"}             ],             rowsrendered: function () {                 $(".combo").igcombo({                     datasource: part_status,                     width: "100%",                     enableclearbutton : false,                      //template dropdown items when clicking on arrow have colors well:                     itemtemplate: "<div style='color: ${textcolor}; background-color:${backgroundcolor};' title='${name}'>${name}</div>",                      //assign text color , background color selected value:                     create: function(evt, ui) {                         var intextcolor = $("igcombo").options.datasource[$("igcombo").selectedindex()].textcolor;                         var inbgcolor = $("igcombo").options.datasource[$("igcombo").selectedindex()].backgroundcolor;                         $({ 'color': intextcolor, 'background-color': inbgcolor});                     },                      selectionchanged: function (evt, ui) {                         //update data source, new selected value saved                         var rowid = parseint(ui.owner.element.closest("tr").attr("data-id"));                         $("#grid1").data("iggrid").datasource.setcellvalue(rowid, "status", ui.items[0].value, true);                          //update text color , background color when changing new value                         var newtextcolor = ui.owner.options.datasource[ui.owner._activeid].textcolor;                          var newbgcolor = ui.owner.options.datasource[ui.owner._activeid].backgroundcolor;                         ui.owner.element.css({ 'color': newtextcolor, 'background-color':  newbgcolor});                     }                 });             }         });     }); 

for more information , full samples can @ following response on infragistics forum:


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