java - Accessing Google oAuth giving invalid grant_type (Bad request) -

i searched lot in so, skim through many questions regarding same error, applied whatever suggested, nothing turned out. hence writing here.

i learning how make call google api (say google calendar api). going through google developers tutorial

so have created service account in google, created credentials (i want invoke google api own application). after create jwt, singed jwt private key shared google, , making rest post call oauth. here code

public class testgoogleapi {  public static void main(string[] args) throws exception{     string header = "{\"alg\":\"rs256\",\"typ\":\"jwt\"}";     long time = calendar.getinstance().gettimeinmillis()/1000;      string claimset = "{\"iss\":\"\"," +                 "\"scope\":\"\"," +                 "\"aud\":\"\"," +                 "\"exp\":"+ (time+3600) +"," +                 "\"iat\":" + time +"}";       string base64header = new string(base64.encodebase64(header.getbytes()),"utf-8");     string base64claimset = new string(base64.encodebase64(claimset.getbytes()),"utf-8");      string input = base64header + "." + base64claimset;      file f = new file("d:/downloads/privatekey.txt");     fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(f);     datainputstream dis = new datainputstream(fis);     byte[] keybytes = new byte[(int)f.length()];     dis.readfully(keybytes);     dis.close();     byte[] key = base64.decodebase64(keybytes);      pkcs8encodedkeyspec spec = new pkcs8encodedkeyspec(key);     keyfactory kf = keyfactory.getinstance("rsa");     privatekey privatekey =  kf.generateprivate(spec);      signature signature = signature.getinstance("sha256withrsa");      signature.initsign(privatekey);     signature.update(input.getbytes());     string base64sign = new string(base64.encodebase64(signature.sign()),"utf-8");      dohttppost("", input + "." + base64sign); }  public static void dohttppost(string urlstr, string assertion) throws exception{     url url = new url(urlstr);       httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();       conn.setrequestmethod("post");       conn.setdooutput(true);       conn.setdoinput(true);       conn.setusecaches(false);       conn.setallowuserinteraction(false);       conn.setrequestproperty("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");        outputstream out = conn.getoutputstream();       writer writer = new outputstreamwriter(out, "utf-8");       writer.write("grant_type");       writer.write("=");       writer.write(urlencoder.encode("urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", "utf-8"));       writer.write("&");       writer.write("assertion");       writer.write("=");       writer.write(urlencoder.encode(assertion, "utf-8"));       writer.close();       out.close();        if (conn.getresponsecode() != 200) {           system.out.println(conn.getresponsemessage());       }        bufferedreader rd = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(conn.getinputstream()));       stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();       string line;       while ((line = rd.readline()) != null) {         sb.append(line);       }       rd.close();        conn.disconnect();       system.out.println(sb.tostring()); }  } 

i getting 400 (bad request). tried same "chrome's advanced rest client", result same, invalid grant_type (bad request).

{    error: "invalid_grant"    error_description: "bad request" } 

am missing thing here. please me


finally got resolution. when encoding header , claimset, doing base64 encoding, instead of base64safeurl encoidng. after replacing




at occurrences in above code, working fine. getting access token , able hit google api oauth token


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