oracle - need to retrieve records for the last 3 years in sub tasks -

i need retrieve records tables following condition between sysdate-1095 , sysdate in ssis package connects oracle database. however, data flow task hanging statement. when tried replacing line between sysdate-50 , sysdate, worked fine.

i want break data flow task several tasks , replace above line of code in each of tasks such cover 3 years records. can please assist. these following lines correct if replace them in each of data flow tasks?

and lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-100 , sysdate -- data flow task1 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-200 , sysdate+100 --data flow task2 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-300 , sysdate+200 --etc , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-400 , sysdate+300 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-500 , sysdate+400 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-600 , sysdate+500 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-700 , sysdate+600 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-800 , sysdate+700 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-900 , sysdate+800 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-1000 , sysdate+900 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-1095 , sysdate+1000 , lab.detail_svc_date between sysdate-1096 , sysdate+1095 


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