sql - Selected columns that are not in group by -

i quetions sql. example have table

name    surname price   adress john    smith   100     adress123 alex    martin  200     adress2 john    smith   300     adress123 

and want group records name same.and records prices must sum()
write query this

select sum(price),name total_price  table1 group a.name 

but when want select other columns should group

... group a.name,a.surname,a.adress 

i want select columns without group by. want ask best way selecting other columsn without using group condition?

i waiting result

200 alex    martin adress2 210 john    smith  adress123 

but don't want group surname , adress column

you can arbitrary value rest of columns using min() or max():

select sum(price) total_price, name, max(surname) surname,         max(address) address table1 group a.name; 


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