Python / Selenium: Logic Operators in WebDriverWait Expected Conditions -

i'm using python / selenium submit form have web driver waiting next page load using expected condition using class id.

my problem there 2 pages can displayed not share unique element (that can find) not in original page. 1 page has unique class of mobile_txt_holder , other possible page has class id of notfoundcopy. i use wait looking mobile_txt_holder or notfoundcopy appear.

is possible combine 2 expected conditions 1 wait?

basic idea of looking won't work:

    webdriverwait(driver, 30).until(ec.presence_of_element_located((by.class_name, "mobile_txt_holder")))  or .until(ec.presence_of_element_located((by.class_name, "notfoundcopy"))) 

i need program wait until next page loads can parse source.

sample html:

<p class="notfoundcopy">unfortunately, number entered not in our tracking system.</p>

apart clubbing 2 expected_conditions through or clause, can construct css take care of our requirement following css either ec either in mobile_txt_holder class or in notfoundcopy class:

element = webdriverwait(driver, 10).until(     ec.presence_of_element_located((by.css_selector, ".mobile_txt_holder, .notfoundcopy")) 


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