json - Frontend - Add new use jqGrid? -

i use jqgrid add new record, can't put data grid json string.

when run, return code:

error status: 'unsupported media type'. error code: 415

and code:

$(document).ready(function () { jquery("#jqgriddemo").jqgrid({     url: '',     mtype: "get",     contenttype: "application/json",     datatype: "json",     colnames: ['warehouseid', 'name' , 'fullname' , 'company', 'address'],     colmodel: [     { name: 'warehouseid', index: 'warehouseid', width: 150,editable:false, editoptions:{readonly:true, size:10}, hidden:true},     { name: 'name', index: 'name', width: 150,editable:true, editoptions:{size:30}},     { name: 'fullname', index: 'fullname', width: 150,editable:true,editoptions:{size:30}},     { name: 'company', index: 'company', width: 150,editable:true,editoptions:{size:30}},     { name: 'address', index: 'address', width: 150,editable:true,editoptions:{size:30}}   ],     rownum: 10,     rowlist:[10,20,30],     width: 1290,     sortname: 'warehouseid',     sortorder:"desc",     height:235,     gridview: true,     viewrecords: true,     caption: "list user details",     editurl:"",     pager: "#jqgriddemopager",     ajaxrowoptions : {         type :"post",         contenttype :"application/json",         datatype :"json"     },     serializerowdata: function(postdata){              return json.stringify(postdata);     } }); $("#jqgriddemo").jqgrid('navgrid','#jqgriddemopager',         {edit:true, add:true, del:false, search:true},         // edit options         {             type:"put",             url:"",             closeafteredit:true,             reloadaftersubmit:true,              onclicksubmit: function(params, postdata) {                 return json.stringify(postdata);             },             aftersubmit: function(response, postdata) {                 var res = jquery.parsejson(response.responsetext);                 return [true, "", res.d];                }         },          //add option         {             type:"post",             url:"",             closeafteradd:true,reloadaftersubmit:true,              onclicksubmit: function(params, postdata) {                 return json.stringify(postdata);             },             aftersubmit: function(response, postdata) {                 var res = jquery.parsejson(response.responsetext);                 return [true, "", res.d];                    }         }        );}); 

could me find problem , how fix it? tks much.

there many unclear parts in code. nevertheless guess main problem have following: use ajaxrowoptions set contenttype , use serializerowdata serialize data request json. problem is: use form editing, ajaxrowoptions , serializerowdata used in case of inline editing.

so should use

ajaxeditoptions: { contenttype :"application/json" }, serializeeditdata: function (postdata) {          return json.stringify(postdata); } 

you have remove onclicksubmit returns json.stringify(postdata) additionally.

i hope should solve problem. if not should write first of version of jqgrid use , fork of jqgrid use (free jqgrid, guriddo jqgrid js or old jqgrid in version <= 4.7). should write additionally more information server reruns error "'unsupported media type'. error code: 415".


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