android - Changing object speed -

i have been creating simple game fun, , have ran troubles.

setting new speed on object falling down. score rises user, woudl want change speed , increase little little. happens current speed adds speed want increase because more faster.

this activity:

   public void starttimer() {     timer = new timer();     initializetimertask();     timer.schedule(timertask, 100, 20);  } public void stoptimertask() {     if (timer != null) {         timer.cancel();         timer = null;     } } public void initializetimertask() {     timertask = new timertask() {         public void run() {    runnable() {                 public void run() {                     godown();                 }             });         }     }; }  public void godown() {     frame = (framelayout) findviewbyid(;     frameheight = frame.getheight();     boxy = (int) txtword.gety();     boxsizey = txtword.getheight();      if(scorecount >= 0)     {         boxy += 1;     }     if(scorecount >= 5)     {         boxy += 2;     }     if(scorecount >= 10)     {          boxy += 3;     }      txtword.sety(boxy);      if (boxy > frameheight - boxsizey) {         boxy = frameheight - boxsizey;         stoptimertask();         displaygameover();     }  } 

thanks in advance insight or help! :d

 if(scorecount >= 0 && scorecount < 5) {     boxy += 1; } if(scorecount >= 5 && scorecount < 10) {     boxy += 2; } if(scorecount >= 10) {      boxy += 3; } 

try speed issue.


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