javascript - Multer not accepting files in array format gives 'Unexpected File Error' -

multer module used along node js , express upload files. using ng-file upload module on angular side.

when sending multiple files 1 one works fine without errors whatsoever when sending files in 1 go in array format , making necessary changes on server side suggested multer's github, still error comes.

here error

error: unexpected field     @ makeerror (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\lib\make-error.js:12:13)     @ wrappedfilefilter (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\index.js:39:19)     @ busboy.<anonymous> (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\lib\make-middleware.js:109:7)     @ busboy.emit (events.js:118:17)     @ busboy.emit (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\lib\main.js:31:35)     @ partstream.<anonymous> (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\lib\types\multipart.js:209:13)     @ partstream.emit (events.js:107:17)     @ headerparser.<anonymous> (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\lib\dicer.js:51:16)     @ headerparser.emit (events.js:107:17)     @ headerparser._finish (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\lib\headerparser.js:70:8)     @ sbmh.<anonymous> (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\lib\headerparser.js:42:12)     @ sbmh.emit (events.js:118:17)     @ sbmh._sbmh_feed (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\node_modules\streamsearch\lib\sbmh.js:159:14)     @ sbmh.push (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\node_modules\streamsearch\lib\sbmh.js:56:14)     @ headerparser.push (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\lib\headerparser.js:48:19)     @ dicer._oninfo (c:\nodefiles\new\node_modules\multer\node_modules\busboy\node_modules\dicer\lib\dicer.js:198:25) 

sample controller code

var app = angular.module('fileupload', ['ngfileupload']);  app.controller('myctrl', ['$scope', 'upload', '$timeout', function ($scope, upload, $timeout) {     $scope.uploadfiles = function (files) {         $scope.files = files;         if (files && files.length) {             console.log(files);             upload.upload({                 url: '/api/data/addtweet',                 data: {                     files: files                 }             }).then(function (response) {                 $timeout(function () {                     $scope.result =;                 });             }, function (response) {                 if (response.status > 0) {                     $scope.errormsg = response.status + ': ' +;                 }             }, function (evt) {                 $scope.progress =                     math.min(100, parseint(100.0 * evt.loaded /;             });         }     }; }]); 

please tell me i'm doing wrong. google searches not useful, have tried i.e.why posting here.

the reason error multer not support array syntax ng-file-upload uses default files[0], files[1], files[2], etc. multer expecting series of files same field name.

the easiest solution set ng-file-upload's arraykey option avoid appending [index] part:

upload.upload({   url: '/api/data/addtweet',   arraykey: '', // default '[i]'   data: {     files: files   } }) 


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