ios - How to get UITableViewCell subviews in iOS8? -

where can find uitableviewcelleditcontrol inside uitableviewcell. i'm running old code needs ui fix on quick deadline. don't have enough time couldn't find other way.

the app should supporting ios 8.0 , above.

how it?

current code:

for (uiview *subview in [self subviews]) {     if ([subview iskindofclass:nsclassfromstring(@"uitableviewcelleditcontrol")]) {          //this condition never gets true ...     } } 

like above, i'm looking for

  1. uitableviewcellreordercontrol
  2. uitableviewcelldeleteconfirmationcontrol
  3. uitableviewcelldeleteconfirmationcontrol_legacy


found that, shall access & uitableviewcelleditcontrol uitableviewcellreordercontrol when table view in editing mode. don't found uitableviewcelldeleteconfirmationcontrol , uitableviewcelldeleteconfirmationcontrol_legacy.


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