c# - Using Pcap.Net with thread throws 'System.NullReferenceException' -

i have method:

public void rc() {     try{         using (packetcommunicator communicator = device1.open(65536, packetdeviceopenattributes.promiscuous, 1000))         {             richtextbox1.appendtext("listening on " + device1.description + "... \r\n");              // start capture             communicator.receivepackets(0, packethandler);             communicator.break();         }     }     catch (exception ex)     {         throw ex;     } } 

and when start programm, , call method via

thread othread = new thread(new threadstart(r.rc));         othread.start();         thread.sleep(1);         othread.join(); 

it throws @ end of line "using (packetcommunicator...."

an unhandled exception of type 'system.nullreferenceexception' occurred in ...

additional information: object reference not set instance of object.

addition info: when don't have method "rc" , thread, , code in constructor, didn't have issue line .


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