java - How to populate list of object in class A by class B constructor -

i have issue: there 2 classes implements interfaces. in class have list of objects of class b.

is there exist way populate these list using class b constructor instead of hardcode every object created? in class have method search particular class b object given parameter, problem figure out how "autopopulate" list every time new object created.

i trying invoke method addnodetolist() form class a, witout instance of class cant that.

is there elegant way autopopulate list?

here code:

class a

public class mystructure implements imystructure {    private list<inode> nodes;    public mystructure() {    }    @override   public inode findbycode(string code) {     //impl   }    @override   public inode findbyrenderer(string renderer) {       //impl   }    @override   public int count() {{     //impl     }    public void addnodetolist(inode node){       nodes.add(node);   } } 

class b

public class compositenode implements icompositenode { private string code; private string renderer;  mystructure mystructure;  public static int counter;  public compositenode(string code, string renderer){     this.code= code;     this.renderer=renderer;     mystructure.addnodetolist(this);     counter++; } 

edit: thinking create static list inside of class b, think not practice. out of idea how solve efficent way.

finished: have created method inside of class this:

public class mystructure implements imystructure { public void addnodetolist(string code, string renderer) {          compositenode node = new compositenode(code, renderer);          nodes.add(node);     } 

it works way wanted - dont store list inside of class b , populate list self.

without knowing further context , usage add getter in class a:

public class mystructure implements imystructure {     //...     public list<inode> getnodes() {         return this.nodes;     }    //.. } 

and can used in class b add element list of class a:

public compositenode(string code, string renderer){     //...     mystructure.getnodes.add(this);     //... } 

i don't think need addnodetolist method, unless used elsewhere.


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