How to create a docker image by extending a docker image which was already created -

i creating docker image follows stage('build'){ agent any

        steps{             script {               dockerimage ="my_docker_image", "${my_args} .")              }       } 

in jenkins file build stage

i want create new docker image based on image created additional configurations on build stage use in test stage.

is there way using dockerimage ?

you can reuse images in other dockerfile re-usability

let's assume have below dockerfile

from python:3.6 workdir /app copy ./ . cmd ["python", ""] 

now build using below

docker build -t production . 

now let's assume want testing image should have telnet installed. instead of repeating dockerfile can start production image present locally only

from production run apt update && apt install -y telnet 

then build same using below

docker build -f dockerfile-testing -t testing . 

as can see there no duplication of dockerfile content in this, want


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