Excel format cells -

i have custom format cells don't know meaning? guys me? thank you.


p/s there reference documents format ? if exist please tell me.

a number format in excel can have 4 sections,


this formatting apply if number in cell positive, negative, 0 or text respectively. in case format has 2 sections positive , zeroes , 1 negatives.

0.0_); - positive , zeroes [red](0.0) - negatives 

1) 0.0 - format numbers single decimal place. example 1234 become 1234.0 , 1234.56 become 1234.5

2) _) - underscore followed parentheses ) apply spacing @ end inline negatives enclosed parentheses.

3) [red]() - negatives represented in red color font enclosed parentheses.

a picture can speak thousand words,

enter image description here

you can find more info , more helpful formatting methods in microsoft documentation , of course google


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