unity3d - Reinitializing git in a new Unity Project Folder, for an existing Repository -

i encountered weird bug unity project fixed creating new unity project, , importing of assets previous project it.

the old unity project git repository clone .gitignore, , long history.

i'm trying reinitialize new project older repository. don't know proper process, , i've had trouble finding information in searches. perhaps, don't know right keywords.

i tried copying on .git folder , .gitignore file, reason source tree ignoring .gitignore file.

edit: believe needed refresh source tree hitting f5 or going view>refresh

ok, i'm going answer own question, because copying on .git folder , .git ignore file , refreshing source tree seems have worked.

however, still unable find information confirm did correctly, online. if may in error, or if there better way, please comment or submit own answer.


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