javascript - Is it possible to draw a rectangle with mouse to select multiple DIVs? -

i want drag rectangle mouse select divs.

the selected div change class “no” “yes”. also, a link clickable , dblclickable

<div id= "container" >     <div id="div-1" info="info1">          <div class="no" id="inside">              <a href="#">something</a>          </div>     </div>     <div id="div-2" info="info2">          <div class="no" id="inside">              <a href="#">something</a>          </div>     </div>     <div id="div-3" info="info3">          <div class="no" id="inside">              <a href="#">something</a>          </div>     </div>     <div id="div-4" info="info4">          <div class="no" id="inside">              <a href="#">something</a>          </div>     </div> </div> 

using jquery ui selectable, code adds yes class selected divs , adds no class when div deselected. code looks this:

$(document).ready(function(){    $("#container").on("selectableselected selectableunselected", function(){      $(".inside").removeclass("yes").addclass("no");      $(".ui-selected > .inside").removeclass("no").addclass("yes");    }); }); 

(i had change inside id class since uses multiple elements.) solution anchor tags not working inside of selectable here:


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