Laravel 5.1 Redis cache -

i'm trying implement basic caching mechanism laravel app.

i installed redis, started via terminal (src/redis-server) , changed cache file redis in laravel's config file, takes longer (1s vs 2s) regular query when use cache.

am missing here? want cache query 10 minutes.

here's feedcontroller.php

namespace app\http\controllers\frontend\feed;  use illuminate\http\request; use auth; use app\http\requests; use app\http\controllers\controller; use app\models\company; use redis; use cache;   class feedcontroller extends controller {      public function index()     {          if (cache::has('companies')) {             // cache exists.             $companies = cache::get("companies");         } else {             // cache doesn't exist, create new 1             $companies = cache::remember("companies",10, function() {                 return company::all();             });              cache::put("companies", $companies, 10);         }           return view('index')->with('companies', $companies)     } 

my view

@foreach($companies $company)     {{$company->name}} @endforeach 

first of all, caching isn't faster. second, you're double checking cache.

you can use:

$companies = cache::remember("companies",10, function() {             return company::all();         }); 

it checks of cache item exist, , if not execute closure , cache result in specified key. cache:has if/else unnecessary , slow down.


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