python - Print several documents when click button django -

my question how select several documents , print documents. example, choose 3 documents , when click print button, open in new link , documents must on 1 page. , top of page have print button. each document can unique doc_id, , sent document data in json format, wrote function print single document, don't know how open several documents on 1 page, must same?

prine several documents

print button on top

code print single document:

def view_signed_document(request, code):     params = dict()     try:         obj = downloadcode.objects.get(code=code)     except:         return render(request, 'documents/doc_not_found.html', {'code': code})     params['docs'] = docs     params['pb'] = pb     params['is_pdf'] = request.get.get('is_pdf', 'false')     params['code'] = code     params['host'] = request.scheme + "://" + request.meta["http_host"]     params['url'] = settings.site_url + request.get_full_path()      if obj.doc_type == invoice_type:         # invoice proxy has different parameter names, therefore handle         # in separate case.         response = proxy.get_invoice_by_id(invoice_id=obj.doc_id, tin=obj.tin)         if response.status.code != pb.responsestatus.ok:             response = proxy.get_invoice_draft_by_id(                 invoice_draft_id=obj.doc_id, tin=obj.tin)         params['invoice'] = response.invoice         template = 'pdf/invoice.html'     else:         ref = perm.document_type_proxy[obj.doc_type]         response = ref['get'](doc_id=obj.doc_id, tin=obj.tin)         if response.status.code != pb.responsestatus.ok:             return render(request, 'documents/doc_not_found.html', {'code': code})         params['document'] = response.document         params['sign_actions'] = sum(             x.permission == docs.sign x in response.document.document_actions)         template = ref['print_template']         if obj.doc_type == commons_type:             if response.document.internal_type == docs.commondocument.with_files:                 template = ref['print_files_template']     return render(request, template, params) 


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