How to track deployment to Azure webapp in NewRelic? -

background info: have set azure automatically deploy code develop branch (on github) dev-webapp when code pushed develop branch. when code pushed master branch, azure deploys code master branch test-webapp , pre prod-deployment slot.

in azure i'm using new relic appservice monitor these apps. works. want notify new relic when code deployed webapp.

quote new relic:

to notify new relic of deployment, can post , add api key header

to notify new relic when code deployed dev , test, set webhook in github run when code pushed develop-branch , master-branch. have tested this, , works. feel not optimal since notification comes github, , not azure deployment takes place.

i want notify new relic when pre-prod deploymentslot swapped prod.

is possible? , best way this?

maybe webjobs soulution? should webjob runs once after webapp deployed , deployment-slot swapped (for prod). cannot find information setting such job.

use powershell swap slots , call new relic uri

i'm sorry don't know new relic perhaps there similar solution in application insights (why don't switch?), can specify version send: (part: version version comparisons)


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