windows - How do I include quotes in the command inside the quotes of FOR /F -

this works fine.

 /f "delims=" %%g in ('tagread.exe %%l genre') ( echo %gg ) 

but when add sed command ('...') fails

 /f "delims=" %%g in (  'tagread.exe %%l genre ^| sed -e ''/curtain^|exit^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~'' '  ) ( echo %%g) 


 sed: newline or end of file found in pattern 

edit: despite loopless command succeeds:

  tagread.exe c:\temp\1.wma genre | sed -e '/curtain^|exit^|spacer/^!s~.*~dance~' 

how sed command , quotes accepted in (...) quotes?

edit: dbenham said: "the single quote never needs escaped when used /f. outer single quotes delimit command string, , inner single quotes work fine."

here's solution:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'tagread.exe %%l genre ^| sed -e '/curtain^|exit^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~'' ) ( echo %%g) 

it fails:

the syntax of command incorrect. 

edit: here simplified , stand-alone version regarding problem:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'echo xxx ^| sed -e '/yyy/^^!s~.*~zzz~'' ) ( echo %%g) 




echo xxx | sed -e '/yyy^|uuu/^!s~.*~zzz~' 




for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'echo xxx ^| sed -e ''/yyy^|uuu/^^!s~.*~zzz~''' ) ( echo %%g) 


'uuu' not recognized internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 

----------- solution -----------

the cause of failure wasn't quotes. was insufficiently escaped ^. dbenham's 1), minimum fix is:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'tagread.exe %%l genre ^| sed -e ''/curtain^^^|exit^^^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~'' ' ) ( echo %%g) 

and simplified version:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'echo xxx ^| sed -e ''/yyy^^^|uuu/^^!s~.*~zzz~''' ) ( echo %%g) 

one may remove redundant ' :

for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'tagread.exe  %%l genre ^| sed -e '/curtain^^^|exit^^^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~' ' ) ( echo %%g) 


for /f "delims=" %%g in ( 'echo xxx ^| sed -e '/yyy^^^|uuu/^^!s~.*~zzz~'' ) ( echo %%g) 

edit: solution in instance simpler still:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ('echo "xxx^^^|ppp" ^| find "x^^^|p"') ( echo %%g) 

for /f runs command via new cmd.exe process.

for example:

for /f %%a in ('echo hello') echo %%a 

for /f runs command using:

c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello 

at time of posting, desired command has still not been posted in question. let assume correct operating command following (it makes no sense me)

tagread.exe c:\temp\1.wma genre | sed -e '/curtain^|exit^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~' 

you want put command in /f loop.

you have 2 options.

1) can escape poison characters pass through cmd.exe command properly:

for /f "delims=" %%g in ('tagread.exe c:\temp\1.wma genre ^| sed -e '/curtain^^^|exit^^^|spacer/^^!s~.*~dance~'') echo %%g 

i guessing had ! escaped ^^! because have delayed expansion enabled. new cmd.exe process have delayed expansion disabled, not need additional escaping construct.

2) or can use fact cmd.exe strips outer double quotes when /c command used. need add double quotes :-)

for /f "delims=" %%g in ('"tagread.exe c:\temp\1.wma genre | sed -e '/curtain^|exit^|spacer/^!s~.*~dance~'"') echo %%g 

in case, ^ must removed before ! because of how delayed expansion works: quoted escaped ! = "^!", , unquoted = ^^!

of course, of above contingent on whether original command (without loop) valid. looks suspect me. regardless, concepts above work working command put /f loop.


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