memory - LocalBroadcastManager, android:process=":ProcessName", Too much ram usage -

alright i'm going try explain 1 problem @ time can understand issues i'm having , able tell me hoe fix it. app runs users have been complaining of high ram usage , on average runs 120mb 200mb idle agree isn't right went ahead , remembered trick used in previous project , line of code android:hardwareaccelerated="false". removes 10mb of ram per activity i'm still sitting @ 90mb of usage went , looked little harder , found android:process=":processname"> takes app using 100mb mere 8mb of ram. i'm facing problem while doing , fact have localbroadcastmanager in service activity sends data mainactivity , when these 2 have different processes don't communicate each other, , if combine them same process usage spikes yet again. i'm kinda stuck @ point , refuse use android memory debugger because doesn't tell me jack crap code doing wrong. quite literally have 5 text views , imageview inside of mainactivity know not intensive means! if needs code please let me know figured didn't need @ code answer this!

you wrote:

but i'm facing problem while doing , fact have localbroadcastmanager in service activity sends data mainactivity , when these 2 have different processes don't communicate each other, , if combine them same process usage spikes yet again.

you can keep service in separate process , bind app's first process, via ipc, inter-process communication.


there different ways ipc. messenger option might starting point you:

from documentation:

if need service communicate remote processes, can use messenger provide interface service. technique allows perform interprocess communication (ipc) without need use aidl.


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