php - Box/Spout questions -

this first time using box/spout library. using wamp server.
question following:

require_once('./spout-master/src/spout/autoloader/autoload.php');  use box\spout\writer\writerfactory; use box\spout\common\type;  $filepath = 'test.xlsx'; $writer = writerfactory::create(type::xlsx); $writer->opentofile($filepath);  [x]  $writer->addrow(['a'], $style); $writer->close(); 

when running above code, following error message:

warning: rmdir(c:\windows\temp/xlsx560f58d588ceb): permission denied in         c:\wamp\www\\public_html\spoutmaster\src\spout\common\helper\filesystemhelper.php on line 113 

what errors means , how should modify prevent error message appeared?

(2) want make expected output below:

enter image description here

but didn't know how write on [x] part. how write in order expected output?

it looks default temp folder used generate xlsx file cannot deleted. can verify checking permissions on c:\windows\temp/xlsx560f58d588ceb.

to solve issue, can either manually fix permissions on temp folder (c:\windows\temp) or use temporary folder, specified here:

regarding 2), there no straightforward way whith spout. spout not support merging cells. thing can is:

| 1 | 2 |   | 3 |   | |---|---|---|---|---| |   | | b | | b | |---|---|---|---|---| 

or alternatively (if makes more sense):

| 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | |---|---|---|---|---| | 1 | | b | | b | |---|---|---|---|---| 

either way, you'll have format rows shown above: [[1,2,'',3',''], ['', 'a','b','a','b']] or [[1,2,2,3,3], [1, 'a','b','a','b']]


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