javascript - Logic part of UI that is not working in all browsers -

the piece of code makes web page not work in browsers , working totally expected in ie11 , firefox(for specific resolution). chrome , edge working same gen_content division popping down need appear on right side of screen. think major problem logic calculated. there alternate way in can same here. or problems things used in causes browser problems.

i tried upload images, have low reputation cannot it.

genwindow.prototype.resizewindowpanels = function resizewindowpanels() {         if (this.isprimary) {             var height = document.documentelement.clientheight;             var width = document.documentelement.clientwidth;             var contentstyle =".gen_content").style;             var heightoffset = 0;             var widthoffset = 0;             var statusheight = 0;              if ( != null && this.menustyle == 'horizontal') {                 heightoffset += parseint("height"), 10);             }              if ( != null && this.menustyle == 'vertical') {                 widthoffset += parseint("width"), 10);             }              if (this.toolbar != null                     && this.toolbar.element.getstyle('display') != "none") {                 heightoffset += parseint(this.toolbar.element.getstyle("height"), 10);             }              var statusbar =".gen_statusbar");             if (statusbar != null && statusbar.getstyle('display') != "none") {                 statusheight = parseint($(statusbar).getstyle("height"), 10);                 heightoffset += statusheight;             }    {                 width : width + "px",                 height : height + "px"             });              this.body.setstyle({                 width : width + "px",                 height : (height - statusheight) + "px"             });              contentstyle.height = document.documentelement.clientheight - heightoffset + "px";             contentstyle.width = document.documentelement.clientwidth - widthoffset + "px";              if ( != null && this.menustyle == 'vertical') {                 var menuwidth = parseint("width"), 10);                 if (!isnan(menuwidth)) {           ".gen_menu").style.height = height                             + "px";                     var borderleft = parseint("borderleftwidth",10));                     var borderright = parseint("borderrightwidth",10));                     if(!isnan(borderleft)){                        menuwidth = menuwidth + borderleft;                     }                     if(!isnan(borderright)){                        menuwidth = menuwidth + borderright;                     }           ".gen_content").style.width = document.documentelement.clientwidth - menuwidth + "px";                     if (this.bidirectional != null) {     //          ".gen_content").style.right = menuwidth     //                            + "px";                     } else {     //          ".gen_content").style.left = menuwidth     //                            + "px";                     }                 }             }         }     }; 

here link see problem in ui u can see white screen division need coming , not visible popped down screen.


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