ruby - Unable to display remote images in rails -

i using carrier wave upload images. default store_dir in image_uploader.rb file, appending store_dir image path. successful in displaying images have uploaded. however, have database remote image urls existing. these remote image urls not displayed, appending store_dir image path , not found.

for eg: taking "" "/uploads/product/productimage/1/http%3a/"

here code:


<% @products.each |product| %>   <li>      <%= image_tag(product.productimage_url) if product.productimage? %>   </li> <% end %> 


class product < activerecord::base   mount_uploader :productimage, productimageuploader end 


class productimageuploader < carrierwave::uploader::base   include carrierwave::minimagick   storage :file   def store_dir     "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}"   end end 

i tried nil below , still appends / image url:

def store_dir   nil end 

i'm assuming must have loaded remote urls products' table's productimage column.

perhaps simplest way accomplish goal add remote_url column products table , not put remote urls in productimage column. like:

class product < activerecord::base   def image_url     productimage.present? ? productimage_url : remote_url   end end 

then change view to:

<%= image_tag(product.image_url) if product.image_url.present? %> 

if products table populated remote urls app using other carrierwave, option might better write rake task download , re-save them carrierwave. might like:

product.all.each |product|   temp_location = rails.root.join('tmp', file.basename(product.attributes['productimage']))   uri = uri(product.attributes['productimage'])    net::http.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') |http|     request = uri      http.request request |response|, 'w') |file|         response.read_body |chunk|           file.write chunk         end       end     end   end    product.productimage =!    file.unlink(temp_location) end 


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