Swift 3 Parse Email Verification and Password Reset with Mailgun -

in project want implement 2 features: 1) verify email confirmation during sign process. 2) reset password via email. coding in swift 3 parse , have mailgun account. have of necessary tools implement these 2 features, not know how to.

the mailgun website has set instructions email confirmation none of code in swift :(. have found other links , articles setting these 2 features none of code in swift , when try convert swift not work. know how send email using:

let mailgun = mailgun.client(withdomain: "****.com", apikey: "key-*****")  mailgun?.sendmessage(to: "user *email*", from: "*connected email*", subject: "verify email address", body: "thank signing up! please press link below verify email address.") 

but have verfy email , change password function, need more standard text , have 1 of links connects server. thing know parse has pfuser.requestpasswordresetforemail feature not know how connect mailgun project when try run recieve error: "an appname, publicserverurl, , emailadapter required password reset functionality."

the current open-source version of parse has deprecated mailgun integration. had similar problem few months ago , reached out mailgun customer service, , response:

enter image description here

if don't want headaches of configuring parse back-end, suggest take @ firebase. run google, , all-platform, including products notifications, testing, crash reports, monetization , deeplinking. have great email tools: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ios/manage-users.


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