mysql - Optimizing Magento url rewrites -

so understood if change url of in magento, entry in core_url_rewrite table created redirects new url previous url. each time url changed, rewrites appended, not replaced. if url of changed 100 times, there 100 chained rewrites in core_url_rewrite.

first of correct me if i'm wrong please. secondly, problems there if links in middle of redirect chains removed, leaving first link , last link? has done it, worth it, using existing scripts , results?

at point of 100 times, 100 chained rewrites in core_url_rewrite. ,you want rewrite.

you changed url key of catalog/product , ticked box create permanent redirect old url. assumed changed url key my-old-product-name my-new-product-name. then, when box ticked, rewrite my-old-product-name.html my-new-product-name.html created in core_url_rewrite table. if truncate table, rewrite gone, old product url not work create issue in seo if old url have crawled in google


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