Social media icons in HTML and CSS -

i have design below having social media icons (linkedin, facebook, google plus, twitter) trying replicate in html , css.

social media buttons

at moment, able in fiddle in font-awesome it's not same design.

i wondering, there way in font-awesome can replicate above design? if not possible in font-awesome, can replicate above design through other library?

the html code in fiddle using every social media icon is:

<li class="navbar-icons">   <a href="" target="_blank">     <i class="fa fa-linkedin-square fa-6" aria-hidden="true"></i>   </a> </li> 

since you're using font awesome result gonna have different design, because solution has purpose of providing icons , not kind of buttons want.

if you'd maintain style of each social media platform, should go through respective docs.


as stated in twitter docs, should start adding following snippet

<a class="twitter-share-button"   href=""> tweet</a> 

and, add twitter websites javascript, handles styling of button, , change url in href attribute 1 need.


the simple button provided docs following

<script src="" async defer></script> <g:plus action="share" href=""></g:plus> 

where href attribute contains url shared.

facebook , linkedin

both (facebook , linkedin) have easy use generators produce code snippet need add html.


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