haskell - wxWebView in wxHaskell -

i'm trying show web page inside wxhaskell based application mac. tried use htmlwindow, limited. according wxwidgets' documentation, have use wxwebview, capable process css , js.

from http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_html_window.html

if want complete html/css support javascript engine, see instead wxwebview.

exactly need! hoverer didn't find mentions of wxwebview in wxhaskell. and, also, miracle, google pretty silent it. makes me think, wrong. there way display reach (having html/css/js) pages using wxhaskell? how people that?

i've got wxwidgets 3.0.2 installed brew:

brew install wxwidgets 

and wxhaskell 0.92 cabal

cabal install wx cabal install wxcore 

wxwebview not implemented in wxhaskell (yet); feel free create pull request expand wxhaskell.

b.t.w. if ask questions @ wxhaskell-users mailing list, answer sooner.


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