php - i cant see my event in full calendar in Laravel project -

im working on open source project in laravel ,this booking room system , every thing working there somthing in full calendar script cant see event have created , when vew source page see event correctly not show in calendar

this booking index page script code full calendar:

@inject('request', 'illuminate\http\request') @extends('')  @section('content')     <h3 class="page-title">@lang('quickadmin.bookings.title')</h3>     @can('booking_create')     <p>         <a href="{{ route('admin.bookings.create') }}" class="btn btn-success">@lang('quickadmin.qa_add_new')</a>      </p>     @endcan          <link href='//,400,700' rel='stylesheet' />         <link href='' rel='stylesheet' />         <link rel='stylesheet' href='' />       <div id='calendar'></div>  @stop  @section('javascript')    <script src=''></script>     <script src=''></script>     <script src=''></script>     <script src=''></script>      <script>        $(document).ready(function(){         $('#calendar').fullcalendar({             defaultview: 'agendaweek',            editable: true,            events:[                 @foreach($bookings $booking)                 {                     title:'{{$booking->room->name.' '.$booking->room->notes}}',                         start:'{{$booking->date.' '.$booking->start_time}}',                     finish:'{{$booking->date.' '.$booking->finish_time}}',                     url :'{{route('admin.bookings.edit',$booking->id)}}'                     },                 @endforeach                 ]          })      });      </script> @endsection 

this booking controller :

<?php  namespace app\http\controllers\admin;  use app\booking; use illuminate\http\request; use illuminate\support\facades\gate; use app\http\controllers\controller; use app\http\requests\admin\storebookingsrequest; use app\http\requests\admin\updatebookingsrequest;  class bookingscontroller extends controller {     /**      * display listing of booking.      *      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function index()     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_access')) {             return abort(401);         }           if (request('show_deleted') == 1) {             if (! gate::allows('booking_delete')) {                 return abort(401);             }             $bookings = booking::onlytrashed()->get();         } else {             $bookings = booking::all();         }          return view('admin.bookings.index', compact('bookings'));     }      /**      * show form creating new booking.      *      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function create()     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_create')) {             return abort(401);         }          $rooms = \app\room::get()->pluck('name', 'id')->prepend(trans('quickadmin.qa_please_select'), '');          return view('admin.bookings.create', compact('rooms'));     }      /**      * store newly created booking in storage.      *      * @param  \app\http\requests\storebookingsrequest  $request      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function store(storebookingsrequest $request)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_create')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::create($request->all());            return redirect()->route('admin.bookings.index');     }       /**      * show form editing booking.      *      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function edit($id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_edit')) {             return abort(401);         }          $rooms = \app\room::get()->pluck('name', 'id')->prepend(trans('quickadmin.qa_please_select'), '');          $booking = booking::findorfail($id);          return view('admin.bookings.edit', compact('booking', 'rooms'));     }      /**      * update booking in storage.      *      * @param  \app\http\requests\updatebookingsrequest  $request      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function update(updatebookingsrequest $request, $id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_edit')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::findorfail($id);         $booking->update($request->all());            return redirect()->route('admin.bookings.index');     }       /**      * display booking.      *      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function show($id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_view')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::findorfail($id);          return view('', compact('booking'));     }       /**      * remove booking storage.      *      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function destroy($id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_delete')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::findorfail($id);         $booking->delete();          return redirect()->route('admin.bookings.index');     }      /**      * delete selected booking @ once.      *      * @param request $request      */     public function massdestroy(request $request)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_delete')) {             return abort(401);         }         if ($request->input('ids')) {             $entries = booking::wherein('id', $request->input('ids'))->get();              foreach ($entries $entry) {                 $entry->delete();             }         }     }       /**      * restore booking storage.      *      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function restore($id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_delete')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::onlytrashed()->findorfail($id);         $booking->restore();          return redirect()->route('admin.bookings.index');     }      /**      * permanently delete booking storage.      *      * @param  int  $id      * @return \illuminate\http\response      */     public function perma_del($id)     {         if (! gate::allows('booking_delete')) {             return abort(401);         }         $booking = booking::onlytrashed()->findorfail($id);         $booking->forcedelete();          return redirect()->route('admin.bookings.index');     } } 

this booking model :

<?php namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model; use carbon\carbon; use illuminate\database\eloquent\softdeletes;  /**  * class booking  *  * @package app  * @property string $room  * @property string $booking_name  * @property string $start_time  * @property string $finish_time  * @property string $phone  * @property string $email  * @property string $notes */ class booking extends model {     use softdeletes;      protected $fillable = ['booking_name', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'phone', 'email', 'notes', 'room_id'];       /**      * set null if empty      * @param $input      */     public function setroomidattribute($input)     {         $this->attributes['room_id'] = $input ? $input : null;     }      /**      * set attribute date format      * @param $input      */     public function setstarttimeattribute($input)     {         if ($input != null && $input != '') {             $this->attributes['start_time'] = carbon::createfromformat(config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s', $input)->format('y-m-d h:i:s');         } else {             $this->attributes['start_time'] = null;         }     }      /**      * attribute date format      * @param $input      *      * @return string      */     public function getstarttimeattribute($input)     {         $zerodate = str_replace(['y', 'm', 'd'], ['0000', '00', '00'], config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s');          if ($input != $zerodate && $input != null) {             return carbon::createfromformat('y-m-d h:i:s', $input)->format(config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s');         } else {             return '';         }     }      /**      * set attribute date format      * @param $input      */     public function setfinishtimeattribute($input)     {         if ($input != null && $input != '') {             $this->attributes['finish_time'] = carbon::createfromformat(config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s', $input)->format('y-m-d h:i:s');         } else {             $this->attributes['finish_time'] = null;         }     }      /**      * attribute date format      * @param $input      *      * @return string      */     public function getfinishtimeattribute($input)     {         $zerodate = str_replace(['y', 'm', 'd'], ['0000', '00', '00'], config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s');          if ($input != $zerodate && $input != null) {             return carbon::createfromformat('y-m-d h:i:s', $input)->format(config('app.date_format') . ' h:i:s');         } else {             return '';         }     }      public function room()     {         return $this->belongsto(room::class, 'room_id')->withtrashed();     }  } 

this route of booking:

route::resource('bookings', 'admin\bookingscontroller');     route::post('bookings_mass_destroy', ['uses' => 'admin\bookingscontroller@massdestroy', 'as' => 'bookings.mass_destroy']);     route::post('bookings_restore/{id}', ['uses' => 'admin\bookingscontroller@restore', 'as' => 'bookings.restore']);     route::delete('bookings_perma_del/{id}', ['uses' => 'admin\bookingscontroller@perma_del', 'as' => 'bookings.perma_del']); 


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