java - Projectile damage not being cancelled -

i'm trying cancel damage of arrow if player's name in list nopvp.

@eventhandler public void playerdamageswhentoggledoff(entitydamagebyentityevent e) {      player victim = (player) e.getentity();     player damager = (player) e.getdamager();      if (getter.nopvp.contains(victim.getname()) || getter.nopvp.contains(damager.getname())) {         e.setcancelled(true);     }     else if (e.getcause() == damagecause.projectile && getter.nopvp.contains(victim.getname()) || getter.nopvp.contains(damager.getname())) {         e.setcancelled(true);     }  }       

this doesn't seem work, when if statement fine.

the reason why player takes projectile damage despite being in nopvp list way cast entities. note both e.getentity() , e.getdamager() return entity object , not player object. casting these variables you're telling plugin instances of player class without knowing kind of entity are, false because damager , damaged entity can other types of entities (arrows, animals, mobs, etc.).

to fix can make sure in case of event being called, damager or damaged entity instances of players using instanceof keyword. below updated version of code should work:

@eventhandler public void playerdamageswhentoggledoff(entitydamagebyentityevent e) {     if (e.getentity() instanceof player) { // if damaged entity player         player victim = (player) e.getentity(); // cast         if (e.getdamager() instanceof player) { // if damager player             player damager = (player) e.getdamager();             // check if either of them in list, if -> cancel damage             if (getter.nopvp.contains(victim.getname()) || getter.nopvp.contains(damager.getname())) {                 e.setcancelled(true);             }         // if damager not player, can check if projectile using damage cause         // still check whether damaged player in nopvp list         } else if (e.getcause() == entitydamageevent.damagecause.projectile && getter.nopvp.contains(victim.getname())) {             e.setcancelled(true);         }     } } 

in original code, if player shot arrow @ player, plugin tried cast arrow (the damager entity) player, not possible (the player class not subclass of arrow class) thereby causing classcastexception , causing otherwise correct code after else-if statement not executed.

here classcastexception when cow damaged entity original code:classcastexception when damaging cow

i added 2 print statements debug purposes after casting of entities. note these statements never reached (therefore never displayed) in case of classcastexception being thrown displayed if both entities happen players , no exception thrown.

enter image description here

with code snippet posted above, if player's name in nopvp list projectile damage cancelled: enter image description here

note cancels damage of projectiles if damaged player in nopvp list. cancel damage in case of arrow, can check whether damager entity instance of arrow class. can check whether arrow shot player or entity such skeleton using arrow.getshooter(), once you've cast damager entity arrow.


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