html - floated divs are overlapping and the inner content is wrapping. How can I make more responsive? -

i'm trying following more responsive. seems 2 divs wrapping on each other , buttons flowing w/ content. how go getting 2 divs more responsive?

here full page example:

here code:

<html>    <head>   <title> test </title>  <style>     .settings {         max-width: 970px;         display: block;         border: 1px solid #ccc;         padding: 3px;         background-color: #f3f3f3;         text-align: left;     }     .setting {         margin: 5px 0;         display: block;         text-align: left;     }     .name { width: 200px; }     .save {         float: right;         text-align: right;     }     .saveasnew, .cancel { margin-left: 4px; }     .toprightlinks {         display: block;         float: right;            }     .dashboardsettings {         margin-bottom: 20px;         text-align: right;     }     .divsections {         width: 400px;         margin-top: 5px;         padding: 5px;         border: 1px solid #ccc;         margin-left: auto;         text-align: right;     }  </style>  </head>   <body>      <div class='toprightlinks'>       <div class='dashboardsettings'>         <span class='addsection'>add report</span>         <div class='divsections'>           <span>choose report:</span>           <select class='ddladdsection'><option value='1'>account analytics</option></select>           <input type='button' value='add'/>           <input type='button' value='close'/>         </div>       </div>     </div>      <div class='settings'>         <div class='setting'>dashboard name:              <input type='text' maxlength='64' class='name' />             <div class='save'>                 <input class='save' type='button' value='save' />                 <input class='saveasnew' type='button' value='save new' />                 <input class='cancel' type='button' value='cancel' />             </div>     </div>  </body>   </html> 

here try this. guess trying achieve.

* {  			box-sizing: border-box;  		}  		.settings {  			width: 59%;  			display: block;  			border: 1px solid #ccc;  			padding: 3px;  			background-color: #f3f3f3;  			text-align: left;  		}  		.setting {  			margin: 5px 0;  			display: block;  			text-align: left;  		}  		.name {  			width: 200px;  		}  		.save {  			float: right;  			text-align: right;  		}  		.saveasnew,  		.cancel {  			margin-left: 4px;  		}  		.toprightlinks {  			display: block;  			width: 39%;  			float: right;  		}  		.dashboardsettings {  			margin-bottom: 20px;  			text-align: right;  		}  		.divsections {  			margin-top: 5px;  			padding: 5px;  			border: 1px solid #ccc;  			margin-left: auto;  			text-align: right;  		}  		.clearfix:after {  			clear: both;  			content: "";  			display: block;  		}
	<div class='toprightlinks clearfix'>  		<div class='dashboardsettings'>  			<span class='addsection'>add report</span>  			<div class='divsections'>  				<span>choose report:</span>  				<select class='ddladdsection'>  					<option value='1'>account analytics</option>  				</select>  				<input type='button' value='add' />  				<input type='button' value='close' />  			</div>  		</div>  	</div>  	<div class='settings clearfix'>  		<div class='setting clearfix'>dashboard name:  			<input type='text' maxlength='64' class='name' />  			<div class='save'>  				<input class='save' type='button' value='save' />  				<input class='saveasnew' type='button' value='save new' />  				<input class='cancel' type='button' value='cancel' />  			</div>  		</div>  	</div>


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