python 2.7 - Count how many times a word appears in a text file -

def paraula(file,wordtofind):      f = open(file,"r")     text =     f.close()     count = 0     in text:         s = i.index(wordtofind)         count = count + s     return count paraula (file,wordtofind) 

def paraula(file,wordtofind):     f = open(file,"r")     text =     f.close()     count = 0     index = text.find(wordtofind) # returns index of first instance of word     while index != -1:         count += 1         text = text[index+len(wordtofind):] # cut text starting after word         index = text.find(wordtofind) # search again     return count  paraula (file,wordtofind) 


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