What is the best way to do C-struct in haskell? -

this question has answer here:

currently use data fields mimic c-struct. found unlike domain-driven way of programming object.property, in haskell property names dumped module namespace. creates problems when have more 1 such struct. example, if have 2 data types:

data person = person { name :: text, address :: text } data dog = dog { name :: text, breed :: text } 

then ghc complain: multiple declarations of ‘name’. have name "properties" prefixes:

data person = person { getpersonname :: text, getpersonaddress :: text } data dog = dog { getdogname :: text, getdogbreed :: text } 

is necessary? or using wrong way define struct?

you can use -xdisambiguaterecordfields extension. allows this: using same name of record label in multiple data declaration.

however, should think whether needed. if 2 data types contain same conceptual thing, perhaps better remove field both types , use in common wrapper instead?

data person' = person { address :: text } data dog' = dog { breed :: text }  data named b = named { name :: text, being :: b }  type person = named person' type dog = named dog' 


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