opencl - Local Memory Corruption -

i have question local memory usage across work items:

i have workgroup 256 work items in it. assign k bytes of local memory per work item.

so, create local byte array of size 256 * k, , assign 1 region of size k each work item.

in code, each work item accesses own region in array. can guaranteed work items not somehow access work items region? given fact local memory shared across half wavefronts?

the reason ask seeing sort of corruption, not sure if code bug, or problem design;

i.e. using shared local array, shared among work items.

given fact local memory shared across half wavefronts

i not sure mean that, opencl spec states local memory shared across work-group. there no such concept "half wavefront" (nor wavefront) far standard concerned.

any memory corruption may notice can have been introduced own code: responsibility kernels not exhibit data races.


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