vba - List excel pivot items of the second row field (multiple row fields) given a particular pivot item in the first row field -

i searched long time this, still inconclusive. have pivot table 2 row labels , 1 data variable looking like:

rowlabel1 rowlabel2 sum of value                      1               b          2               c          3    d          d          4    e          e          5 

i want able list pivot items of rowlabel2 given particular rowlabel1, "a"" b" "c" in loop, concat "abc". whatever try, outputs of pivot items, "abcde".

since real data more complex, not possible manually. have 3 row labels rather 2 labels.

don't know if solution can make use of values. example, return rowlabel2 items value <= 3 when "letter" "a".

thanks input!!

sub getpiv()  dim piv pivottable  'change whatever range , sheet names pivottable set piv = thisworkbook.sheets("secondtable_output").range("a3").pivottable  dim r range dim dr pivotitem  'this captures first entry in rowlabel1 - change necessary set dr = piv.pivotfields(1).pivotitems(1)  dim str string str = ""  'the macro won't work if item collapsed, set showdetail true expand if dr.showdetail = false     dr.showdetail = true end if  dr     'address seems bug(??) if there more 1 data value columns,     'the datarange appears shift 1 row down     if .datarange.columns.count > 1         'here shift datarange 2nd column of pivottable         set r = .datarange.offset(-1, -(.datarange.cells(1, 1).column - 2))     else         'here shift datarange 2nd column of pivottable         set r = .datarange.offset(0, -(.datarange.cells(1, 1).column - 2))     end if end  'delete necessary r.select  'obtain string of cell values range = 1 r.rows.count     str = str & " " & r.cells(i, 1) next str = trim(str) msgbox str  end sub 


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