radius - CoA request fails in FreeRadius -

i'm using freeradius 3.0.8. have following configuration in authenticate section of sites-enabled/default

auth-type pap {        pap           if("%{sql:select radcheck.authstep `radcheck` radcheck.username = '%{user-name}' }" == 2){            update coa {               user-name = "%{user-name}"               packet-dst-ip-address = ""           }          } } 

in radius debug log can see it's trying send coa request fails following warning.

(1) warning: unknown destination coa request 

however when tried same using radclient worked.

echo "user-name=ec-78-5f-df-8a-c8" | radclient coa testing123 

only difference i'm sending client secret radclient command. have added configuration clients.conf

client {  secret = testing123  ipaddr = } 

i'm sure client configuration correct since auth-request client reach radius.

am missing here?. there option set coa secret in client.conf? appreciate input resolve this.

after trial , error found solution.

i had add coa server configuration clients.conf inorder working.

home_server example-coa {         type = coa         ipaddr =         port = 3799         secret = testing123         coa {                 irt = 2                 mrt = 16                 mrc = 5                 mrd = 30         } } 

this poorly documented in https://github.com/freeradius/freeradius-server/blob/master/raddb/sites-available/originate-coa


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