while loop - C compare numbers -

i have write program in c asks user enter range of numbers. ex. 1 4 6 9 5 , finds largest of them. seem simple consistently wrong outputs.

my code have written far is:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>   main() {     char max;     int count = 0;     char numbers;     printf("enter sequence of numbers\n");      max = getchar();     while((numbers = getchar()) != eof)     {           printf("max: %d", max);       putchar(numbers);     } 

for example, if input number 3, 3 putchar() method, max method, 51. or if put in 7, 55 max method. confused.

i keeping simple of now, want first integer/char input , assign max . , once read 2nd integer, compare max see if greater or lower. thanks!

with getchar() reading char , not number. return value integer corresponds ascii code of char. can see ascii table , veridy (char) '7' corresponds 55, , 3 51.

therefore need either use different function parse numbers, or convert ascii code (51, 55 etc) actual integer number corresponds.


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