android - After Getting object/array from json, how can i shuffle it (Randomize) -

i got json data using this


private void loadquestions() throws exception {         try {         inputstream questions = this.getbasecontext().getresources()                 .openrawresource(r.raw.questions);         breader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(questions));         stringbuilder quesstring = new stringbuilder();         string ajsonline = null;         while ((ajsonline = breader.readline()) != null) {             quesstring.append(ajsonline);         }         log.d(this.getclass().tostring(), quesstring.tostring());         jsonobject quesobj = new jsonobject(quesstring.tostring());         queslist = quesobj.getjsonarray("questions");         log.d(this.getclass().getname(),                 "num questions " + queslist.length());         } catch (exception e){          } {             try {                 breader.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 log.e("", e.getmessage().tostring(), e.getcause());             }         }     }      public static jsonarray getqueslist() {          return queslist;     } 


here json data.


{   "questions": [     {       "question": "which animal carnivorous?",       "correctanswer": 1,       "answers": [         {           "answer": "cow"         },         {           "answer": "lion"         },         {           "answer": "goat"         },         {           "answer": "elephant"         }       ]     },     {       "question": "humans need",       "correctanswer": 0,       "answers": [         {           "answer": "oxygen"         },         {           "answer": "nitrogen"         },         {           "answer": "carbondioxide"         },         {           "answer": "hydrogen"         }       ]     },         {       "question": "choose amphibian ",       "correctanswer": 0,       "answers": [         {           "answer": "frog"         },         {           "answer": "owl"         },         {           "answer": "goat"         },         {           "answer": "fox"         }       ]     },          {       "question": "---- part of earth`s atmosphere.",       "correctanswer": 1,       "answers": [         {           "answer": "unisphere"         },         {           "answer": "troposphere"         },         {           "answer": "oxysphere"         },         {           "answer": "carbosphere"         }       ]     },     ] } 

after getting json data need randomize it. brother please, have tried nothing working in advance

after queslist = quesobj.getjsonarray("questions"); // right place shuffle peterola,add randomize questions list:

    list<jsonobject> questionslist = new arraylist<jsonobject>(queslist.length());     for(int i=0,size=queslist.length();i<size;++i){         try {             questionslist.add(queslist.getjsonobject(i));         } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }     long seed = system.nanotime();     collections.shuffle(questionslist, new random(seed)); 


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