jquery - Google Line chart With Refresh - Not working after refresh -

i trying create google line chart ajax.

and want set interval refreshing data , want chart drawn each time after page resized.

so, have done is-


<html>   <head>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css">   </head>   <body>     <div class="container">       <div class="row">         <div class="col-sm-12">           <!-- <div id="piechart"> -->           <div id="chart_div" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">             <!-- chart goes here -->           </div>         </div>       </div>     </div>   </body>     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>     <script src="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>      <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>      <script type="text/javascript" src="js/chart.js"> </script> </html> 


google.load('visualization', '1.1', {packages: ['line', 'corechart']});   function get_ajax_data_for_total_user() {     var data = new google.visualization.datatable();     data.addcolumn('date', 'time');     data.addcolumn('number', "total users");      var jsondata = $.ajax({                               url: "ajax.php",                               datatype: "json",                               async: false                             }).responsetext;     var temp_ajax_data=[];     $.each($.parsejson(jsondata), function(index, element)     {         var time_year=0,time_month=0,time_day=0,time_hour=0,time_min=0,time_sec=0,total_user_no=0;         //console.log(index+" start");         $.each(element,function(key,value)         {             if(key.localecompare('time_year')==0)             {                 time_year=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('time_month')==0)             {                 time_month=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('time_day')==0)             {                 time_day=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('time_hour')==0)             {                 time_hour=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('time_min')==0)             {                 time_min=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('time_sec')==0)             {                 time_sec=value;             }             else if(key.localecompare('total_user_no')==0)             {                 total_user_no=value;             }         });         temp_ajax_data.push([new date(time_year, time_month,time_day,time_hour,time_min,time_sec),  total_user_no]);     });      //console.log(temp_ajax_data);     data.addrows(temp_ajax_data);      return data; }  function drawchart_totaluser(div_id) {     var chartdiv = document.getelementbyid(div_id);      var options =     {         chart:         {             title: 'no of users in different time'         },         width: '100%',         height: '100%',         series:         {             // gives each series axis name matches y-axis below.             0: {axis: 'temps'},             1: {axis: 'daylight'}         },         axes:         {             // adds labels each axis; don't have match axis names.             y:             {                 temps: {label: 'total users'}             }         }/*,         animation:         {             duration: 1000,             easing: 'out',         }*/     };      var materialchart = new google.charts.line(chartdiv);     materialchart.draw(get_ajax_data_for_total_user(), options); }  $(function() {     if($("#chart_div").length != 0)     {       drawchart_totaluser('chart_div');     } });  $( window ).resize(function() {     if($("#chart_div").length != 0)     {       drawchart_totaluser('chart_div');     } });  setinterval(function() {     if($("#chart_div").length != 0)     {       drawchart_totaluser('chart_div');     } }, 20000); 

and ajax.php-

    <?php           $json = array(                         array(                                     'time_year'     => 2005,                                     'time_month'    => 10,                                     'time_day'      => 12,                                     'time_hour'     => 2,                                     'time_min'      => 30,                                     'time_sec'      => 12,                                     'total_user_no' => 100                                  ),                         array(                                     'time_year'     => 2005,                                     'time_month'    => 11,                                     'time_day'      => 12,                                     'time_hour'     => 2,                                     'time_min'      => 30,                                     'time_sec'      => 12,                                     'total_user_no' => 190                                  ),                         array(                                     'time_year'     => 2005,                                     'time_month'    => 12,                                     'time_day'      => 12,                                     'time_hour'     => 2,                                     'time_min'      => 30,                                     'time_sec'      => 12,                                     'total_user_no' => 90                                  ),                         array(                                     'time_year'     => 2006,                                     'time_month'    => 1,                                     'time_day'      => 12,                                     'time_hour'     => 2,                                     'time_min'      => 30,                                     'time_sec'      => 12,                                     'total_user_no' => 180                                  )                         );           echo json_encode($json);     ?> 

it working before refresh of data.

enter image description here

but if resize or after 20s when data refreshes ajax, chart gone , nothing shows.

so, not working when codes executes-

$( window ).resize(function() {     if($("#chart_div").length != 0)     {       drawchart_totaluser('chart_div');     } });  setinterval(function() {     if($("#chart_div").length != 0)     {       drawchart_totaluser('chart_div');     } }, 20000); 

can me please?


i have tried-

google line chart not reloading when reload div


redraw google chart after every ajax call

but not getting solved.


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