php - Laravel 5 form model binding with hasMany -

i have 2 models: category , categoryvalue.

inside category model have:

public function values() {     return $this->hasmany('app\categoryvalue'); } 

inside categoryvalue have:

function category() {     return $this->belongsto('app\category'); } 

in edit view, have form model binding so:

{!! form::model($category, ['route' => ['category.update', $category->slug], 'method' => 'patch']) !!}     @include('partials.categoryform') {!! form::close() !!} 

where $category chosen category model.

the categoryform partial looks like:

<div class="form-group {{ $errors->has('name') ? 'has-error' : '' }}">     {!! form::label('name', 'name') !!}     {!! form::text('name', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}     {!! $errors->first('name', '<span class="help-block">:message</span>') !!} </div>  <div class="form-group {{ $errors->has('slug') ? 'has-error' : '' }}">     {!! form::label('slug', 'slug') !!}     {!! form::text('slug', null, ['class' => 'form-control']) !!}     {!! $errors->first('slug', '<span class="help-block">:message</span>') !!} </div>  <div class="form-group">     {!! form::submit('save page', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) !!} </div> 

that's working, when editing category, i'd able edit (add/remove) associate categoryvalues. start, want items returned $category->values inside textarea each categoryvalue on new line.

i can think of couple of ways this: use @foreach , generate textarea, or popular variable , use in binding. i'm not sure of these, if either, "laravel" way it. i'm not sure if either of can used update records in db properly. how should done?


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