Matlab - Image Formation - Matrix -

i doing interesting computer vision project talks how "create manually" images matlab.

the teacher gave me 3 matrices: illuminant matrix (called e), camera sensitivity matrix (called r) , finally, surface reflectance matrix (called s). matrix dimensions follows:

s: 31x512x512 (reflectance samples x x-dimension x y-dimension) r: 31x3 e: 31x1

the teacher gave me following relationship:


where c color matrix. p sensor response matrix.

the goal display image formed previous matrices. therefore, have compute p matrix.

the class of matrices double.

this have done:

diag_d=diag(d);% diagonal matrix of d   s_reshaped= reshape(s,31,[512*512]);% reshape surface reflectance matrix s_permute=permute(s_reshaped,[2 1]);% output matrix 262144x31 matrix  color_signal_d65_buffer=s_permute*diag_dd; color_signal_d65=reshape(color_signal_d65_buffer,[512 512 31]);% final color matrix  image_d65_buffer= (reshape(color_signal_d65,[512*512],31))*r;% apply given formula image_d65= reshape(image_d65_buffer,[512 512 3]);% image formation image_d65_norm=sqrt(sum(image_d65.^2,3));% compute image_d65 norm    image_d65_normalized=bsxfun(@rdivide, image_d65, image_d65_norm);% divide each element of matrix norm in order normalize matrix  figure imshow(image_d65_normalized)% display image 

however,it did not work @ all. output image colors wrong (there blue on image). think matrix reshaping problem have tried possible combinations nothing do.

thank help


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