datetime - Why is time in Go printed differently in a struct? -

i'm starting out go, , in first program wrote printed out struct, showed

{wall:0 ext:63533980800 loc:<nil>} 

being puzzled on seemed type time.time(), , google search brought me this part of go source code in difference between "wall clock" , "monotonic clock" explained in comments.

so test in isolation created new minimalistic program:

package main  import (     "fmt"     "time" )  type thestruct struct {     the_time time.time }  func main() {     the_struct := thestruct{}     fmt.println(the_struct)     fmt.printf("%+v\n", the_struct)     fmt.println(the_struct.the_time)     fmt.println()     the_struct_2 := thestruct{time.unix(1505099248, 200)}     fmt.println(the_struct_2)     fmt.printf("%+v\n", the_struct_2)     fmt.println(the_struct_2.the_time) } 

which prints out following:

{{13719544904843884912 534246 0x1140680}} {the_time:{wall:13719544904843884912 ext:534246 loc:0x1140680}} 2017-09-11 05:08:11.35635032 +0200 cest m=+0.000534246  {{200 63640696048 0x1140680}} {the_time:{wall:200 ext:63640696048 loc:0x1140680}} 2017-09-11 05:07:28 +0200 cest 

so wonder 2 things here:

  1. why time if part of struct printed wall clock compared more usual datetime notation when printed out separately (using the_struct.the_time)?
  2. is problem code in other program prints out <nil> loc? how able solve that?

the reason why it's not printing formatted time when in struct string method not invoked on unexported fields (refer

when printing struct, fmt cannot , therefore not invoke formatting methods such error or string on unexported fields.

changing structure export fields (capitalizing first letter) makes invoke string method:

   package main  import (     "fmt"     "time" )  type thestruct struct {     the_time time.time }  func main() {     the_struct := thestruct{}     fmt.println(the_struct)     fmt.printf("%+v\n", the_struct)     fmt.println(the_struct.the_time)     fmt.println()     the_struct_2 := thestruct{time.unix(1505099248, 200)}     fmt.println(the_struct_2)     fmt.printf("%+v\n", the_struct_2)     fmt.println(the_struct_2.the_time) } 


{2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 utc m=+0.000000000} {the_time:2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 utc m=+0.000000000} 2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 utc m=+0.000000000  {2017-09-11 03:07:28.0000002 +0000 utc} {the_time:2017-09-11 03:07:28.0000002 +0000 utc} 2017-09-11 03:07:28.0000002 +0000 utc 

on playground :


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